Thursday, 27 September 2012

Production Plan

Depending on how well Danny Williamson does in the Table tennis tournament will limit our increase our time for production. We are planning to begin our production on friday 28th September at lunchtime, in the green room. From here we will be gathering posters and other background equipment in order to replicate the set of the original music video.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Replicating an existing media text

By the 8th october, as a group, replicated 30 secs - 1 min of a media text that has been used for the storyboard excercise over summer by one of the group members.

This should include

- Camerawork - Sam Shaw
- Props - Group Effort
- Acting - Daniel Williamson/ Adam Harrison/ Harley Young
- Editing - Group Effort
- Directing - Harley Young

The video chosen to replicate is the song sliver - Nirvana

This is due in Monday 8th October, 4 PM

Friday, 21 September 2012

Media Studies Skill Development Evaluation Essay

My foundation portfolio started off with a preliminary task of making a magazine representing the college and aimed at the students in that college. This task was done so that we were able to build on our skills using Adobe Photoshop and photography before we did our main piece of AS coursework. This way we had experience with it and also could do better when it came to our main task. After we had done this task we moved onto our main AS piece of coursework were we had to make a front cover, contents page and a double page spread of a music magazine. The music magazine needed to look professional and good enough to be published so therefore I had to research other magazines and look at the conventions of them which included having a good consistent house style, focus on only one specific genre of music and also making sure my house style and genre of music matched, I then had to apply these to my product to make sure it looked as professional as the real magazines. I had to decide on some demographics for my target audience and I came up with these; I was going to aim the magazine at people aged 15-24 as they are the age that I believe are most involved and interested with music, the SEG would therefore have to be class E – C2. I aimed towards achievers with my psychographics as at this age they may still be looking towards their career path and not know what to do so therefore I want to inspire them to achieve in the music world.

Whilst doing both of my magazines I had to learn a lot of terminology such as ‘Masthead’, ‘Splash’, ‘Teasing Contents’ and many more, this was so that when it came to writing about my product it would look a lot more professional as I would be referring to it with its actual name. I also had to show that I could show my planning and designs in different ways when doing this I used programmes such as ‘Prezi’. ‘Prezi’ is used for making slideshows and is easy to use and a brilliant piece of software, it allows you to make your slideshow very easily and it also lets you choose the path which your presentation will take, it also allows you to start from a blank canvas and do everything yourself or it has templates for you to use. I also used ‘Go Animate’. ‘Go Animate’ is different to ‘Prezi’ as it allows you to show your research or planning in a conversation between animated people so that it gets it across in a conversation format rather than just text on a screen, therefore it gives you a different way to get your information across.

I had to use Adobe Photoshop for both my college magazine and my music magazine. I had very little knowledge on how to work Photoshop when I first started my college magazine; I knew what you could do on Photoshop however I had no knowledge on how to actually make it happen. One of the things that Photoshop can do which I knew about was its ability to manipulate images, therefore when I produced my front cover I had to take a picture of my model myself therefore I had to get rid of any imperfections as the front cover model of any magazine always looks ‘perfect’, this meant I had to manipulate my own image by using Photoshop to make my front cover model ‘perfect’. I did this by using the ‘spot removal tool’ to get rid of a few blemishes on the face of my model; I also used different layers of the image to make the model look like he had perfect skin, I did this by using the ‘blur’ tool and also changing the brightness on different layers which made the skin look more porcelain and gave it a really good look. Another tool I used was the ‘clone stamp’ tool, this allowed me to fill in any gaps that had been created such as if there was a gap in the hair of the model I could use this tool and clone some hair from somewhere else on the head and then clone it where it was missing so therefore it would look like the hair of the model is perfect and there are no gaps in it, this tool can also be used to get rid of spots too, however it is best to use the ‘spot removal’ tool for that.

Altogether in my foundation Portfolio my skills have improved massively, I started my AS year with no previous experience and improved my skills a lot. I learnt how to use Photoshop to manipulate images so that they look professional and make the model get that ‘perfect’ look and at the start of the year I had never used this software before. I also learnt about the terminology which as a brand new media student at AS had no knowledge about and I believe that I managed to get the grasp of it all very quickly and could analyse a magazine for conventions and label them with the correct terminology. I also improved my skills on both Prezi and Go Animate as again I had no experience on either of these products and I managed to produce presentations on both of them which pleased the teacher. I also believe that my skills in taking a picture increased as well as I now know what angles to take the pictures at to connotate different things and therefore know what angle to pick when doing different products. Overall I believe that as I started the year with no experience in media my skills have improved greatly as I have shown what skills I have improved on or learnt throughout the year and I now think that I am now able to use these skills in many different ways to produce and analyse different media texts.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Audience key terms

Qualitative Data

This is data you get from collection methods for example; questionnaires and surveys

Quantitative Data

This is information that has been collected based on a specific aspect, the stats are collected through methods such as tally charts, surveys and experiments.

Demographic Data

This data describes a member of the audience's social status. The demographics are gathered from their social class (SEG,) gender, ethnicity and level of education. This information determines the target audience for a product, helping to present and market the product with the greatest effect.

Psychographic Data
This particular data shows what qualities of the individual person, this includes attributes such as attitudes, values, beliefs and opinions. This information adds to the demographics of the target audience, therefore having a better effect at reaching the audiences needs.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

My Genre Choice

My choice of genre is going to be a drama. I have chosen drama because an audience tend to get more emotionally involved to a drama as you can make it a Romantic drama so the audience will get wrapped up in the romance as that's how they want their romantic life to be. You can also make it a comedy drama were again the audience will find themselves laughing along putting themselves in that situation. Along with the emotional attachment to the drama, it can also bring great enjoyment to an audience as they like to guess whats going to happen and they like when they can be shocked by an ending they didn't think of but also when they can correctly guess an ending.

I have chosen to put Forrest Gump on here as it is an absolute classic Comedy Drama that everyone has seen. As it is a sub-genre of my chosen Genre I believe it is a great example to have up there as it was highly successful and has one of the best storylines a film has ever had, in my opinion. Therefore I will be trying to get a storyline in my trailer that will also be enjoyed.

I have chosen to put New Years Eve on here as again it is part of sub-genres of the Genre I have chosen however it has both aspects of Comedy and Romance in the film and this is what I would like to do when making my Film Trailer. It also has many different little storylines throughout its main storyline which I think is really interesting.

I have chosen to include The Lucky One as during the trailer it has bits of editing what I really like and would like to include in my trailer, these are when they cut to interviews with the Author of the book, the stars of the film and the director and I would like to include something like that in my trailer.

Friday, 7 September 2012


2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

  • A website homepage for the film;

  • A film magazine front cover, featuring the film;

  • A poster for the film.