can be used in many different ways to represent codes and conventions, one of
these is close ups, these are usually used in a film trailer to represent the
protagonist (main character), this way before we have even watched the film we
have gained the knowledge that the person shown is the lead character and it
also gets us emotionally attached to the character so we want to go and see the
film for the character. They can also use establishing shots so that we know
where the character is, this way we get a feel for how the film may pan out. A
good example of both of these techniques in a film trailer is ‘Slumdog
Millionaire’, as within the first 20 seconds we get these two shots which give
us the feel that the man in the foreground of the close up two shot is the
Protagonist and the man in the background could be a big part of the film and
we also can find out that we’re in a game show.
Other shots that can be used include over the shoulder shots which can sometimes show the protagonist and what they have to do, or the mess that has been made by them, this is usually used in action films or thrillers. An example of this would be ‘From dusk till Dawn’ as it shows a building in the background being blown up and the two characters walking away to show they’ve done that and they’re getting away.
back to ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, not only is there Cinematography techniques used
within the trailer to show codes and conventions there are also Editing methods
used as well such as, Non-diegetic elements, as in the trailer it shows on the
screen a question and it gives you four answers, this then builds on the
earlier code that we are in the setting of a game show and takes us that one
step further to that we’re on ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ as the question
is set as if it would be a question on the show, not only does it show us this
but It also gives us the storyline as it shows the question saying how did
Jamal Malik win 20 million rupees and then gives you the answers to choose from
and it then give you the answer saying ‘it is destiny’ so therefore we now know
that it is about the man in the foreground, Jamal Malik? Winning 20 million
rupees on who wants to be a millionaire because it was his destiny and we know
all this because of the codes and conventions that are used throughout the trailer.

There is also a fast paced montage edit used in the trailer
of the stuff that’s happened in his life so far which gives you the feel that
everything has rushed by leading towards this one moment in his life, during
this montage you see other characters which you can tell will be a big part of
the film such as a brother which will be his companion on his life journey and
also what could be a love interest or ‘one true love’. These are again all
found out through the use of the codes and conventions within the trailer.
Mise-en-scene is also used in order to show codes and
conventions throughout the film as you can see here in the Slumdog millionaire
trailer as it shows the setting of when he was younger and the clothes he is
dressed in and this shows that he comes from a poor area and that they don’t
have much money, therefore we feel sorry for him as he has been brought up with
not much money which gives us an emotional attachment towards the character,
the image from the trailer also shows them jumping from a rooftop which tells
us also that they haven’t had a very safe upbringing.
Lastly Sound is another way in which Codes and conventions
are used as there is an upbeat soundtrack playing in the background whilst
there is the montage of his childhood and he always looks really happy however
the music changes to a slower song when the girl ‘Latika’ is left behind from
the train which shows that from that moment on he hasn’t been the same because
he hasn’t been with his one true love so we get the feel that everything he’s
done from that moment onwards has been done so that he can find Latika again.
Overall Codes and Conventions are used in film trailers in
order to show what the genre of the film is and also, how the story will pan
out throughout the film and why it is going to go like that. Therefore codes
and conventions are what makes up the film trailer so that the audience can
then read them to understand the film.
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